Nonprofit Alliance of the Northern Shenandoah Valley

Together, we can do more

Together, we can do more

Together, we can do more





 Story of the Alliance

Story of the Alliance

The Nonprofit Alliance of the Northern Shenandoah Valley (NANSV) was launched in 2014 as a forum for nonprofits to meet, exchange ideas with their peers, and learn about nonprofit leadership and governance. It started with bi-monthly "Lunch and Learns, with great speakers providing expertise on relevant topics.

In 2015, NANSV held its first Annual Nonprofit Symposium with Shenandoah University. This "signature event" attracted over 100 nonprofit leaders from across the region, featuring networking opportunities, a nationally recognized keynote speaker, and breakout sessions addressing a variety of nonprofit concerns. 

In 2017, the NANSV Steering Committee launched a strategic planning process to articulate a vision for the Alliance of the future and develop a road map for making it happen. The resulting plan aims to bring NANSV to a new level, establishing it as a regional nonprofit Center of Excellence and Collective Action.

Our Vision

A vibrant, innovative, and highly effective nonprofit sector fosters a thriving Northern Shenandoah Valley community.

Our Mission

Strengthen leadership, promote visibility, and facilitate collective action that enhances the impacts of our region's nonprofits.

The Alliance itself is not a legal entity. Rather, it is an ambitious, volunteer-led movement. Administrative support and resources are provided by the Community Foundation for the Northern Shenandoah Valley (CFNSV) and Shenandoah University, and the rest is driven by local nonprofit and business leaders.

Our members hold these Core Values in common:

  •    Commitment to serve
  •    Common goals
  •    Creative solutions
  •    Collaborative change
  •    Community integration

Success depends on the value our members find in participating. We hope you take the opportunities to engage with the Alliance and your fellow non-profits through our networking and education events, Resource Library, Committees, and other services to improve your results and those of the whole sector.

Join us

 Steering Committee

Richard Kennedy - Nonprofit Executive (Ret.), Chair
Jan Bresch - Special Love, Inc., Vice Chair
Kim Herbstritt - Blue Ridge Habitat, Secretary
Darcus Breneman - First Bank
Dawn Devine - Shenandoah Valley Discovery Museum
John Lamanna - Timber Ridge School
Tom Morley - Snowflake Consulting
Nancy Silva - Community Foundation of the NSV
Patricia Simpson - Sinclair Health Clinic
Larry Weiss - Independent Nonprofit Consultant
Contact us


Patricia Simpson, Chair

Darcus Breneman, Chair

Jan Bresch, Chair

Public Policy
Larry Weiss, Acting Chair
Get involved

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